Thursday, February 17, 2011

More Than Just Community

I would like to start off my entry with a quote by Vince Lombardi, “We will build this team in pursuit of perfection knowing we can never achieve it … in the meantime we will achieve excellence.”
   The Bridgewater Baseball Association is a proactive community. The association initiates change rather than reflecting on the past.  We sacrifice the interests of each other and revolve around the interests of the community as a whole. Our values never change – to create a unified community which everyone can enjoy. We must create an environment which everyone from all different ages can relate to. To feel comfortable knowing they have a say and to understand that we will listen. Our initiative is to create leaders on and off the baseball field. The priority isn’t solely on developing each individual’s athletic abilities. The development of each child as an individual is our primary goal. Yes, the memories associated with winning championships last a life time, but their attitude and integrity shown off the field highlight their true character.  
      After a conversation with the VP of the Bridgewater Baseball Association, Dennis Woodworth, Dennis referred to our community as one that embodies the T.E.A.M. concept. T – Together, in order for a community to be successful everyone must work together in order to find success. The baseball community strives for long term success, to see beyond their years as a member of this community and prepare those coming up with a solid foundation. E- Everyone, everyone must be on board. Everyone must have a say, this proves very difficult because when viewing a community we tend to forget everyone and just see ourselves. A- Achievement, achievement can be viewed in many ways. The community must create goals in order to view one’s achievements. Achievements are very important because they identify the community’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, how did we achieve this goal, or why didn’t we achieve it and how can we? M- More, because everyone has more to give. Everyone contributes one way or another, even in an indirect way. There are many aspects of community that need to be accomplished, big or small.
    Ideally everyone would show their support in community events. Although I have emotional ties to the baseball community, there are many other equally deserving communities in Bridgewater. We must realize that everyone from each community can come together to share their ideas openly. Successes and failures happen – that is life, but it’s how fast we bounce back that matters.  
  I started my entry with a quote – Vince Lombardi is known as football’s greatest coach. He was referring to his football successes; however it was much more than that. It relates to community development in every aspect. In order to succeed one must realize that not everything will be perfect. There will be many ups and downs, but it is how we grow and evolve as a community that direct us towards perfection.     


  1. I like how you mention that prorities and goals in the community are based around everyone as a whole rather than individuals; also the fact that you want everyone to be leaders not only on the field but off as well, i agree that it's not only about the result and goals within the sport, but outside as well. good post buddy

  2. Are you in that picture?!? If you are, my guess is middle row, far left. Haha. Great post! I really enjoy how your contact with the community broke down the priorities into the TEAM acronym. What a great way to keep the priorities easy to remember, with the end and ultimate priority insight - that being to become a team.

  3. It's great the you prioritize the needs of the community before individual wants or needs. Very nice TEAM analogy, together-everyone-achieves-more. I couldn't agree more! Very insirational Mark, great post!!

  4. Good post man! It shows that if a community wants to be successful, it must have a common goal - and each individual must have equal input. Your TEAM acronym is perfect evidence for what your community's goal is. Good work dude

  5. Impressive! It's so good to see someone talking about individual member's goals as one of the priorities of a community. But also at the mean time, everyone work together for a common goal to make the community a success. With specific ideas on how to achieve that, this post is very helpful and inspirational.

  6. the T.E.A.M concept is a great modo to live by and thats always one to live by for a community. Vince Lombardi is a hell of a role model for anyone looking for inspiration or a leader in their lives. Great post buddy!
